Navigating Paternity Establishment and Denial in Oklahoma: A Comprehensive Guide

August 29, 2023

In the realm of family law, establishing or denying paternity in Oklahoma is a significant process with legal and emotional implications.

Securing Guardianship for an Aging Parent: A Comprehensive Guide

August 29, 2023

As individuals age, many find themselves in the role of caring for an elderly or incapacitated parent. This responsibility prompts crucial questions: Can legal guardianship be established for a parent? How can a parent be protected from potential exploitation?

Understanding Various Custody Arrangements in Oklahoma

August 29, 2023

Child custody arrangements in the context of divorce and beyond are governed by specific rules in Oklahoma, particularly when the child's father is acknowledged.

How to End Temporary Guardianship in Oklahoma

August 29, 2023

In Oklahoma, guardianships come in two categories: guardianship of a minor child and guardianship of an adult. Guardianship of a child is established when parents are deceased or deemed unfit, while guardianship of an adult is invoked when an individual is incapacitated.

Practice Areas

Child Support
Custody / Visitations
Estate Planning